Jefnet Solutions
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Terms Of Services

Terms of Use

Copyrighted Materials for Limited Use:

This website contains graphics, photographs, images, document layouts, artwork, text, fonts, music, software tools, and other information (referred to herein as Content. This website and all Content are the copyrighted property of JEFNETS and/or its subsidiaries (referred to herein as JEFNETS) or the copyrighted property of parties from whom JEFNETS has licensed such property. All rights in this website and its Content are reserved worldwide. It is strictly prohibited to retain, copy, distribute, publish, or use any portion of the Content except as expressly allowed in these Terms of Use. JEFNETS reserves the right to add to, delete from, or modify any part of the Content at any time without prior notice. JEFNETS provides no warranty of any kind that designs or materials created using the tools on this website will not infringe, or be subject to a claim of infringing, the trademark or other rights of another party. It is solely your responsibility to obtain the advice of an attorney regarding whether the design or material is legally available for your use and does not infringe the rights of another party.

Use of Site:

You are granted permission to access and use this website and its Content for the sole purpose of exploring, evaluating, and ordering products or services solely through JEFNETS (referred to herein as "Products"). No other download, retention, use, publication, or distribution of any portion of the Content is authorized or permitted. Obtaining Products from JEFNETS does not entitle you to use any portion of the Content apart from the finished Products as supplied by JEFNETS. You agree to use this website in a responsible manner that is in full compliance with these Terms of Use and with your local laws and regulations, including export and import regulations. Without limitation, no portion of the Content may be utilized as a trademark or service mark, for any unlawful purpose or use, to defame any person, to violate any person's right of privacy or publicity, to infringe upon any copyright, trade name, trademark, service mark, or other intellectual property right of any person or entity. You agree that you will not use the website to produce Products that are offensive, unlawful, harassing, libelous, threatening, harmful, obscene, malicious, or otherwise objectionable. JEFNETS may terminate its service to customers found to be using the website to engage in undesirable activities. You are solely responsible for your use of Content in combination with any other images, graphics, text, or other materials you incorporate into your Products. You agree that you will not include any text, image, design, trademark, service mark, or any copyrighted work of any third party in your Products unless you have obtained the appropriate authorizations from the owners. You warrant that your Products do not infringe upon any rights of any third party, including copyright, trademark, right of publicity or privacy, and will not libel or defame any third party, and that you have all required rights or permissions necessary to incorporate third-party material into your Products. By placing an order on this website, you warrant that you have all the necessary permission, right, and authority to place the order, and you authorize JEFNETS to produce the Products on your behalf. You may not use this website to send or use e-cards in any manner that would constitute the transmission of spam or unsolicited emails. You may not use scripting or other programs to automate the creation and/or transmission of e-cards.